Bio identical Hormone therapy Rye Brook, NY - Rejuvenate Hormone Therapy

Bioidentical hormones are identical in molecular structure to the hormones produced naturally in the human body. Unlike synthetic hormones, which are chemically altered, bioidentical hormones are natural substances that can help restore optimal hormonal balance when levels decline due to aging or other factors. Bioidentical hormone therapy involves supplementing the body with customized bioidentical estrogens, progesterone, testosterone, etc to alleviate unpleasant symptoms of hormonal imbalance like fatigue, low libido, anxiety, hot flashes, night sweats, and more. When prescribed and monitored by a knowledgeable healthcare professional, bioidentical hormones can be safe and highly effective.

What Causes Hormonal Imbalance

There are several potential causes of declining hormones as we age:

In both women and men, addressing the root hormonal imbalances through bioidentical hormone therapy helps alleviate troublesome symptoms for improved wellbeing.

Our services

Assessing Hormone Levels

The first step is diagnostic testing to accurately evaluate individual hormone levels. Based on the test results, customized treatment plans are created.

Key hormone tests include:

Monitoring through follow-up bloodwork helps ensure hormones are optimized for the long term. We also provide at-home saliva test kits for added convenience.

Bioidentical Hormone Therapy Protocols

There are several delivery methods available for bioidentical hormone replacement tailored to each patient's needs:

Bioidentical Estrogen and Progesterone

For women, transdermal estrogen (delivered through the skin) is generally preferred for greater safety and consistency.

Progesterone is crucial for balancing estrogen:

We customize combinations of bioestrogen and bioprogesterone based on lab work and health history.

Bioidentical Testosterone

For men, we most often prescribe testosterone creams or testosterone injections to restore optimal levels, however gels, pellets, and other delivery mechanisms may also be options depending on patient needs and preferences:

Key Takeaway Messages:

Table summarizing main pros and cons of different testosterone delivery methods:

Delivery Method Advantages Disadvantages
Creams Convenient daily application; steady hormone release Potential skin irritation; transference to partner/children
Injections Most consistent testosterone levels Invasive needle injections
Gels Easy daily application Potential skin irritation; transference to partner/children
Pellets Long-acting; only need replacement every 4-6 months Minor surgery required for insertions

Optimizing Treatment Success

Bioidentical hormone therapy works best alongside healthy lifestyle modifications - diet, exercise, stress reduction. We provide patients comprehensive support for total wellness.

Diet and Nutrition Recommendations

Key diet tips include:

Vitamins and supplements like magnesium, zinc, omega-3s can also help hormonal health.

Lifestyle Adjustments

We counsel patients on additional ways to support hormone therapy results:

Emotional Wellbeing

Hormone balance and mental health are deeply intertwined. We help patients address:

Both therapy and medication can help if mood issues persist despite optimized hormone levels.

Consider bioidentical hormones for a more balanced you.

FAQs About Bioidentical Hormones

Are bioidentical hormones safe?

Yes, bioidentical hormones are safe when properly dosed and monitored by an experienced healthcare professional. Unlike synthetic hormone replacement associated with health risks like heart disease and breast cancer, research supports the safety of bioidentical hormones.

When is the best time to start treatment?

Symptoms serve as early indicators of declining hormones. We recommend starting therapy as soon as bothersome symptoms manifest rather waiting until hormone levels drop excessively low. Restoring balance early leads to the best results.

Can men benefit from bioidentical progesterone?

Yes, progesterone in men plays vital roles related to heart health, brain function, bone density, metabolism and more. We evaluate progesterone needs in men as part of our comprehensive treatment approach.

How long does treatment last?

Most patients utilize hormone therapy long term because the body does not resume prior production levels on its own. We continually monitor patients to ensure optimal hormone balance is maintained for the duration of treatment.

What results can I expect?

Most patients enjoy great relief of symptoms and improved quality of life. However results vary based on multiple factors. We customize treatment protocols and counseling to help each patient achieve their wellness goals.

Rejuvenate Hormone Therapy

Here at Rejuvenate Hormone Therapy in Rye Brook, NY we specialize in prevention and treatment of age-related hormone decline using cutting edge bioidentical hormone replacement therapy protocols.

Our clinic founder Dr. Amanda Johnson is a national leader in anti-aging and regenerative medicine with over 25 years' experience restoring vitality in women and men through bioidentical hormones.

We take an integrative approach focused on the total patient while skillfully addressing the underlying hormonal imbalances at the root of unwanted symptoms patients present with.

In addition to Dr. Johnson's expertise, key reasons over 3000 New Yorkns choose Rejuvenate Hormone Therapy include:

We work collaboratively with each patient for their optimal improvement and closely track progress. Many patients report lifechanging enhancements in energy, resilience, mental health, relationships, and overall wellbeing!


Bioidentical hormone therapy offers a safe and effective solution for restoring optimal hormone balance and alleviating the unpleasant symptoms associated with hormonal imbalances. At Rejuvenate Hormone Therapy, our experienced team provides personalized treatment plans, comprehensive support, and a holistic approach to help patients achieve their wellness goals. If you're experiencing symptoms of hormone decline, we encourage you to explore the potential benefits of bioidentical hormone therapy.

Restore hormonal balance and wellbeing naturally.

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